Hey Gazefamily!
As you know, I'm planning a fan project for the celebration of the next 10 years of trayectory of GazettE. I tried to comunicate will all you on e-mail, but I don't have the e-mail of some persons.
And the people that confirmed to participate are:
And now, In what consist this project?
Well, we are planning to receive photos of the fans sending congratulations to the guys and fanarts.
How to do?
Each team will be in charge to collect the contributions on their respective country, when the limit date is over, you should send to me.
The purpose is this will be physical and virtual.
If you want, you can to contribute with money for the expenses of the production and sending to Japan.
It's not mandatory to donate money, you can participate without the necessity of money.
For the persons that it's possible to cooperate with money, later will be provide the account for send the donations.
This is the project:
1.Congratulation from the fans
1.1 You should send a picture of yourself where do you show a poster with the leyend:"Happy 10th anniversary!"
1.2 You should send a fanart of the band, it's prohibited the draws with sexual or yaoi character.
1.3 If you do cosplay of the GazettE also can send a picture, that can be individual or in group. it's prohibited the pictures with sexual or yaoi character.
> Include the name or nick name and country.
2. Participation of the fan clubs and street teams for the Gazette.
2.1 You should send a picture of the staff showing a poster with the leyend: Happy 10th anniversary!
> include the name of the staff, can be the real name or nickname.
> Include the name of the fan club/ Street team and web site.
3. Participation of the partners fan clubs and the media.
3.1 You should send a picture of the staff showing a poster with the leyend: Happy 10th anniversary!
> include the name of the staff, can be the real name or nickname.
> Include the name of the fan club/ Street team and web site.
The people that participate, it's necessary that you send me a mail: thegazette_mexico@hotmail.com
Marking in the subject: Project 10